Scripted levels
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Timers
- 3 Functions called by XMoto
- 3.1 OnLoad()
- 3.2 Tick()
- 3.3 Entity.Touch()
- 3.4 Entity.TouchBy(player)
- 3.5 Zone.OnEnter()
- 3.6 Zone.OnEnterBy(player)
- 3.7 Zone.OnLeave()
- 3.8 Zone.OnLeaveBy()
- 3.9 Checkpoint.OnUse()
- 3.10 OnSomersault(bClockWise)
- 3.11 OnSomersaultBy(bClockWise, player)
- 3.12 OnWheel1Touchs(status), OnWheel2Touchs(status)
- 3.13 OnWheel1TouchsBy(status, player), OnWheel2TouchsBy(status, player)
- 4 Callable X-Moto functions
- 4.1 GetTime()
- 4.2 Message(msgs)
- 4.3 ClearMessages()
- 4.4 SetGravity(x, y)
- 4.5 GetGravity()
- 4.6 IsPlayerInZone(zone)
- 4.7 IsAPlayerInZone(zone, player)
- 4.8 SetPlayerPosition(x, y, bRight)
- 4.9 SetAPlayerPosition(x, y, bRight, player)
- 4.10 GetPlayerPosition()
- 4.11 GetPlayerVelocity(player)
- 4.12 GetPlayerSpeed(player)
- 4.13 GetPlayerAngle(player)
- 4.14 GetAPlayerPosition(player)
- 4.15 SetEntityPos(entity, x, y)
- 4.16 GetEntityPos(entity)
- 4.17 SetKeyHook(key, function)
- 4.18 GetKeyByAction(function)
- 4.19 GetKeyByActionTech(function)
- 4.20 Log(msgs)
- 4.21 MoveBlock(block, x, y)
- 4.22 SetBlockCenter(block, x, y)
- 4.23 SetBlockPos(block, x, y)
- 4.24 GetBlockPos(block)
- 4.25 SetBlockRotation(block, angle)
- 4.26 SetDynamicEntityRotation(entity, initAngle, radius, period, startTime, endTime)
- 4.27 SetDynamicEntitySelfRotation(entity, period, startTime, endTime)
- 4.28 SetDynamicEntityTranslation(entity, fX, fY, period, startTime, endTime)
- 4.29 SetDynamicEntityNone(entity)
- 4.30 SetDynamicBlockRotation(block, initAngle, radius, period, startTime, endTime)
- 4.31 SetDynamicBlockSelfRotation(block, period, startTime, endTime)
- 4.32 SetDynamicBlockTranslation(block, fX, fY, period, startTime, endTime)
- 4.33 SetDynamicBlockNone(block)
- 4.34 CameraZoom(z)
- 4.35 CameraMove(x, y)
- 4.36 CameraRotate(angle)
- 4.37 CameraAdaptToGravity()
- 4.38 SetCameraRotationSpeed(z)
- 4.39 GetEntityRadius(entity)
- 4.40 IsEntityTouched(entity)
- 4.41 Game.AddPenaltyTime(time)
- 4.42 KillPlayer()
- 4.43 KillAPlayer(player)
- 4.44 KillEntity(entityID)
- 4.45 WinPlayer()
- 4.46 WinAPlayer(player)
- 4.47 RemainingStrawberries()
- 4.48 NumberOfPlayers()
- 4.49 AddForceToPlayer(forceX, forceY, startTime, endTime, player)
- 4.50 PlayAudio("NameOfSound")
- 4.51 SetPhysicsBlockSelfRotation (block, torque, startTime, endTime)
Scripting allows a level to become dynamic. You can change physic settings, move objects, modify game logic, etc. A script is written in the Lua language and can be included in a level file.
Documentation about Lua can be found here :
To write a script, you must know a little about a level file. It is an xml file. It includes somes properties like the name of the level, description, author, date, etc. Moreover, it includes block and sprite definitions. A block is composed of vertices which link together to draw polygons.
Since 0.3.0, xmoto supports multiplayers ; in the script, a player is defined by an index. The first player has the number 0, the second the number 1, ...
The script examples on this page will use this basic level file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <level id="tutscript"> <info> <name>tutscript</name> <description></description> <author></author> <date></date> <sky>sky1</sky> </info> <script> </script> <limits left="0" right="50" top="30" bottom="0"/> <block id="Block0"> <position x="0" y="0"/> <usetexture id="default"/> <vertex x="5" y="5"/> <vertex x="5" y="10"/> <vertex x="10" y="10"/> <vertex x="10" y="5"/> </block> <entity id="MyPlayerStart0" typeid="PlayerStart"> <size r="0.4"/> <position x="7.5" y="10"/> </entity> <entity id="Strawberry0" typeid="Strawberry"> <size r="0.4"/> <position x="20" y="0.5"/> </entity> <entity id="SnowMan0" typeid="Sprite"> <param name="name" value="SnowMan"/> <position x="19" y="0.2"/> <param name="z" value="-1"/> </entity> <zone id="Zone0"> <box left="40" right="50" top="5" bottom="0"/> </zone> </level>
This level can be made easily with the xmoto level editor. It includes a block called Block0 which is a square, a strawberry called Strawberry0 and a zone called Zone0. A zone is an invisible part of the level that can execute actions when the player is inside.
Some functions require a minimum X-Moto version to work. If you use one of these functions, please put this information in the level. For example, to make your level require X-Moto version 0.2.0, add this line to your level:
<level id="tutscript" rversion="0.2.0">
All the code of the script is written in Lua. You can find the syntax here. However, if you choose to include the script in an xml file, < and > symbol must be replaced by < and >. The code of the script can be included between <script> and </script> in the level file.
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.2]
This function is used to create a timer, or start a stopped timer. Basically, if you don't give all parameters the timer uses default values, or if the timer already exists then it is resetted, or started if it is stopped with Game.StopTimer().
- if timer doesn't exist then creates
- if timer exist and is stopped then restarts (unless you give attributes delay or loops then it is reseted)
- if timer exist and is running then resets
Script Example
-------------------------- --Delayed Message System-- -----by tuhoojabotti------ -------------------------- --stuff for the msgs msgs={} msgt={} msga=0 --other Zone0={} function OnLoad() StartMessages({"Hello and welcome!","This level uses timers to show these messages.","Press 'B' to pause and continue messages.","Go right and if you hit the Zone, the messages will end!","I have nothing else to say, good night!"},150) Game.SetKeyHook("B","stop") return true end function stop() ToggleMessages() end function Zone0.OnEnter() ClearMessages() end --functions for the message system function StartMessages(_msgs,_delay) msga=1; msgs=_msgs; Game.StartTimer("msgt",_delay,table.getn(msgs)) end function ToggleMessages() if not(table.getn(msgs)==0) then --only if there are messages if msga==1 then --msgs are rolling msga=0; Game.StopTimer("msgt") else --no msgs rolling msga=1; Game.StartTimer("msgt") end end end function msgt.Tick(n) if table.getn(msgs)>=n then --there are messages Game.Message(msgs[n]) if table.getn(msgs)==n then msga=0 end --shutdown on last msg end end function ClearMessages() if msga==1 then Game.StopTimer("msgt") end msgs={}; msga=0; msgd=0 end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.2]
Sets the timer's delay, without resetting the amount of loops etc. (Allows you to speed it up or slow it down. ;-))
Script Example
timer={} --declare the timer entity1={} function OnLoad() Game.Message("You are going to die in 10 seconds!! buahahhahahaaa!") Game.StartTimer("timer",1000,1) return true end function timer.Tick() Game.KillPlayer() end function entity1.Touch() Game.Message("haha! you drank some poison, now you die faster!") Game.SetTimerDelay("timer",300) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.2]
Stops the timer, the Name.Tick won't be called anymore. Use Game.StartTimer(Name) to restart it.
Script Example
timer={} --declare the timer entity1={} function OnLoad() Game.Message("You are going to die in 10 seconds!! buahahhahahaaa!") Game.StartTimer("timer",1000,1) return true end function timer.Tick() Game.KillPlayer() end function entity1.Touch() Game.Message("No! you found antidote!") Game.StopTimer("timer") end
Functions called by XMoto
This function is called one time when the level starts. You must return true if nothing bad happened.
Script example
The example displays a message at the start of the level.
function OnLoad() Game.Message("This level is scripted") return true end
Function called 1 time every hundredth. You must return true if nothing bad happened.
Be aware that if this function use is abusive, levels will not be validated : action function like setBlockPos, setPlayerPos, ... (contrary to request function getBlockPos, getTime, and lua code) require that the information is store into the replay. If you put a setBlockPos call into the Tick function, it will make big replays : around 20 bytes * 100 * 60 / minute => several hundreads of KB / minute To limit this if you really want to call such functions into your level : - first, play your level and check that replay size is under 100 ko - reduce the number of time you call setBlockPos by adding a variable to make this function called not in all Tick() but 1/3 for example - add a zone so that the animation (tick) is called only when you're in this zone - use dynamicBlock or dynamicEntity functions
Script example
This example will initialize gravity to 0 ; then, it will increment it with the time. Because earth gravity is 9.81, the earth gravity will not be reached before the 9.81 seconds. Be aware that in xmoto, vertical gravity must be multiplied by -1 because of screen coords which are reversed.
function Tick() if Game.GetTime() < 9.81 then Game.SetGravity(0, Game.GetTime() * -1) end return true end function Load() Game.SetGravity(0, 0) return true end
This function is called when an entity (a strawberry for example) is touched. The entity must be declared in the script. Note that the <size r> parameter allows to choose the distance of the entity which must be considered so that it is touched.
Script example
The example displays a message when the strawberry is touched.
Strawberry0 = {} function Strawberry0.Touch() Game.Message("Nice strawberry !") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function is called when an entity (a strawberry for example) is touched. The entity must be declared in the script. Note that the <size r> parameter allows to choose the distance of the entity which must be considered so that it is touched.
Script example
The example displays a message when the strawberry is touched.
Strawberry0 = {} function Strawberry0.TouchBy(player) Game.Message("Player "..player.." takes the strawberry") end
This function is called when a player enters in a zone.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player enters into the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.Message("Entering in the zone") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function is called when a player enters in a zone.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player enters into the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnterBy(player) Game.Message("Player "..player.." enters the zone") end
This function is called when a player leaves a zone.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player leaves the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnLeave() Game.Message("Leaving the zone") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function is called when a player leaves a zone.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player leaves the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnLeaveBy(player) Game.Message("Player "..player.." leaves the zone") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.3]
This function is called when a player go back to a checkpoint. This can be used to set some script values for example.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player uses the checkpoint Checkpoint0.
Checkpoint0 = {} function Checkpoint0.OnUse() Game.Message("Checkpoints are usefull") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.1]
This function is called each time a player make a new somersault. bClockWise is 1 is the somersault is clockwise, 0 if counterclockwise.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player makes a somersault.
function OnSomersault(bClockWise) if(bClockWise == 1) then Game.Message("ClockWise Somersault") else Game.Message("CounterClockWise Somersault") end end
OnSomersaultBy(bClockWise, player)
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function is called each time a player make a new somersault. bClockWise is 1 is the somersault is clockwise, 0 if counterclockwise.
Script example
The example displays a message when a player makes a somersault.
function OnSomersaultBy(bClockWise, player) Game.Message("Nice, player "..player" !) end
OnWheel1Touchs(status), OnWheel2Touchs(status)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.1]
This function is called each time just the wheel 1 touchs the ground or stops to touch the ground. (status is 1 is the ground was not touching and is now touching, and 0 else)
Script example
The example displays the new max duration of a jump each time a new one is done.
max_jump_time = 1.0 -- start at 1 to not count smaller jumps jump_begin = 0.0 touch_1 = false touch_2 = false function OnWheel1Touchs(bStatus) if(bStatus == 1) then updateMax() touch_1 = true else touch_1 = false jump_begin = Game.GetTime() end end function OnWheel2Touchs(bStatus) if(bStatus == 1) then updateMax() touch_2 = true else touch_2 = false jump_begin = Game.GetTime() end end function updateMax() if(touch_1 == false and touch_2 == false) then if(Game.GetTime() - jump_begin > max_jump_time) then max_jump_time = Game.GetTime() - jump_begin Game.Message("New high jump: "..max_jump_time) end end end
OnWheel1TouchsBy(status, player), OnWheel2TouchsBy(status, player)
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function is called each time just the wheel 1 touchs the ground or stops to touch the ground. (status is 1 is the ground was not touching and is now touching, and 0 else)
Script example
function OnWheel1TouchsBy(status, player)
if(status == 1) then Game.Message("Player "..player.." touches with wheel 1") end
function OnWheel2TouchsBy(status, player)
if(status == 1) then Game.Message("Player "..player.." touches with wheel 2") end
Callable X-Moto functions
Return the time since the start of the level.
Script example
The example displays a message if the player takes more than 10 seconds to enter the zone.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() if Game.GetTime() > 10.0 then Game.Message("10 seconds to come there, that's a lot !") end end
Display a message on the screen. The message is automatically remove after 5 seconds. You can call this function several times : the messages will be all displayed.
Script example
The example displays some messages at the start of the level.
function OnLoad() Game.Message("This level is scripted") Game.Message("GO GO GO !!!") return true end
Remove messages on the screen.
Script example
The example shows how to clear old messages and display a new one in some circumstances.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.ClearMessages() Game.Message("OnEnter") end function Zone0.OnLeave() Game.ClearMessages() Game.Message("OnLeave") end
SetGravity(x, y)
Change the gravity (horizontal and vertical) in the game.
Script example
The example shows how to reverse gravity. Be aware that in X-Moto, vertical gravity must be multiplied by -1 because screen coordinates are reversed in the y direction.
function OnLoad() Game.SetGravity(0, 9.81) return true end
Return the pair(horizontal gravity, vertical gravity).
Script example
The example displays the wind and gravity at the start of the level.
function OnLoad() x, y = Game.GetGravity() Game.Message("Wind : "..x) Game.Message("Gravity : "..(y*-1)) return true end
Return true if a player is in the specified zone.
Script example
This example is a bit more complicated. When the player enters the zone, gravity slowly decreases. Once the player leaves the zone, the gravity suddenly becomes 9.81.
Zone0 = {} x = -9.81 function Tick() if Game.IsPlayerInZone("Zone0") then Game.SetGravity(0, x) x = x + 0.1 end return true end function Zone0.OnLeave() x = -9.81 Game.SetGravity(0, x) end
IsAPlayerInZone(zone, player)
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
Return true if the player is in the specified zone.
Script example
function OnLoad() if Game.IsAPlayerInZone("Zone0", 0) == false then Game.Message("This player 0 is not in the zone") end return true end
SetPlayerPosition(x, y, bRight)
Set the position and direction of the players in the game. bRight can be 0 or 1.
Script example
The example teleports the playerq each time one enters the zone.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.SetPlayerPosition(5, 0, 1) end
SetAPlayerPosition(x, y, bRight, player)
Set the position and direction of the player in the game. bRight can be 0 or 1.
Script example
The example show how to teleport the player 0 at start of the level to the position (20, 5)
function OnLoad() Game.SetAPlayerPosition(20, 5, 1, 0) return true end
Return the triplet (x, y, bRight) which give the position of the player 0 in the game.
Script example
This example make the player unable to get the strawberry ;-)
function Tick() x, y, bright = Game.GetPlayerPosition() if x > 18 then Game.SetPlayerPosition(5, 0, 1) end return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.0]
Return the velocity of the player.
Script example
This example show informations when the player pressed the key M.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "Infos") return true end function Infos() Game.Message("Velocity: "..Game.GetPlayerVelocity(0)) Game.Message("Speed: "..Game.GetPlayerSpeed(0)) Game.Message("Angle: "..Game.GetPlayerAngle(0)) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.0]
Return the speed of the player.
Script example
This example show informations when the player pressed the key M.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "Infos") return true end function Infos() Game.Message("Velocity: "..Game.GetPlayerVelocity(0)) Game.Message("Speed: "..Game.GetPlayerSpeed(0)) Game.Message("Angle: "..Game.GetPlayerAngle(0)) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.0]
Return the angle of the player.
Script example
This example show informations when the player pressed the key M.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "Infos") return true end function Infos() Game.Message("Velocity: "..Game.GetPlayerVelocity(0)) Game.Message("Speed: "..Game.GetPlayerSpeed(0)) Game.Message("Angle: "..Game.GetPlayerAngle(0)) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
Return the triplet (x, y, bRight) which give the position of a player in the game.
Script example
function OnLoad() x, y, bright = Game.GetAPlayerPosition(0) Game.Message("Player0 position is ("..x..","..y..")") return true end
SetEntityPos(entity, x, y)
Set the position of the entity to coordinates (x, y) in the game.
Script example
The example changes the position of the strawberry every second.
function Tick() i,f = math.mod(math.ceil(Game.GetTime()), 2) if i == 1 then Game.SetEntityPos("Strawberry0", 10, 0.5) else Game.SetEntityPos("Strawberry0", 30, 0.5) end return true end
Return the position of the entity entity in the game.
Script example
This example shows another way to move a strawberry.
last_update = 0 function Tick() sec = math.ceil(Game.GetTime()) if last_update < sec then x, y = Game.GetEntityPos("Strawberry0") if(x == 20) then x_new = 25 else x_new = 20 end if(y == 0.5) then y_new = 2 else y_new = 0.5 end Game.SetEntityPos("Strawberry0", x_new, y_new) last_update = sec end return true end
SetKeyHook(key, function)
Whenever the player hits the "key" specified, a function will be called. You can use key like "a", "b", "c" or technical values returned by GetKeyByActionTech
Script example
The example shows how to change gravity just by pressing a key.
g = -9.81 function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("G", "GravityChange") return true end function GravityChange() g = g * -1 Game.SetGravity(0, g) end
Return the key associated to an action. Possible actions are Drive, Brake, PullBack, PushForward, ChangeDirection.
Script example
The example displays how to drive at level start.
function OnLoad() Game.Message("To drive, press "..Game.GetKeyByAction("Drive")) return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.4]
Return the key associated to an action. Possible actions are Drive, Brake, PullBack, PushForward, ChangeDirection. Note that GetKeyByAction returns a human readable string while GetKeyByActionTech returns a value which is usable by SetKeyHook and that can be a joystick, mouse or keyboard key.
Script example
The example show how to use the Drive key to do other things than driving.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook(Game.GetKeyByActionTech("Drive"), "BalloonA") return true end
Log a message in the xmoto.log.
Script example
The example log the message "An error occured" when the level starts.
function OnLoad() Game.Log("An error occured") return true end
MoveBlock(block, x, y)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function allows X-Moto to move a block in the level. The block must be dynamic (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />). Be aware that moving a block can be dangerous: make sure that the player will not be inside the block once you have moved it.
Script example
In the example, when the player presses the key M, the block moves to the right.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "MoveTheBlock") return true end
function MoveTheBlock() Game.MoveBlock("Block0", 1, 0) end
SetBlockCenter(block, x, y)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function gives the center of the block relative to the block position (then, to the level if block position is (0, 0)). The center is used by the function SetBlockPos(), GetBlockPos() and SetBlockRotation(). This function should generally used in the Load() function because the center should not logically be changed (however, you can change it).
Script example
In the example, the center of the block is set to the center of the square. Then, when the player press M, the block is placed just under the player.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "PutTheBlock") Game.SetBlockCenter("Block0", 7.5, 7.5) return true end function PutTheBlock() x, y = Game.GetPlayerPosition() Game.SetBlockPos("Block0", x, y -2.5 -1) end
SetBlockPos(block, x, y)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function allows X-Moto to change the position of a block according to its center. The block must be dynamic (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />). Be aware that moving a block can be dangerous: make sure that the player will not be inside the block once you have moved it.
Script example
In the example, the center of the block is set to the center of the square. Then, when the player press M, the block is placed just under the player.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "PutTheBlock") Game.SetBlockCenter("Block0", 7.5, 7.5) return true end function PutTheBlock() x, y = Game.GetPlayerPosition() Game.SetBlockPos("Block0", x, y -2.5 -1) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function gives the position of a given block. The block must be dynamic (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />).
Script example
The example shows how to use this function as a condition. Here, you can move the block under the bike only if you play on the right.
function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "PutTheBlock") Game.SetBlockCenter("Block0", 7.5, 7.5) return true end function PutTheBlock() x, y = Game.GetPlayerPosition() bx, by = Game.GetBlockPos("Block0") if(x > bx) then Game.SetBlockPos("Block0", x, y -2.5 -1) end end
SetBlockRotation(block, angle)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function rotates a block. The block must be dynamic (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />).
Script example
In the example, if the player keeps the key M pressed, the block will rotate.
a = 0 function OnLoad() Game.SetKeyHook("M", "PutTheBlock") Game.SetBlockCenter("Block0", 7.5, 7.5) return true end function PutTheBlock() a = a + math.pi / 256.0 Game.SetBlockRotation("Block0", a) end
SetDynamicEntityRotation(entity, initAngle, radius, period, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function tells an entity to make circles for a given duration. The current position of the entity on the circle of radius radius is at position initAngle (in rad). The entity will make a circle in period hundreads. The animation will starts in startTime hundreadths and will finish in endTime hundreadths, so, the duration time is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite animation. Note that you can compose rotations and translations. Note that negative arguments allow you to change the behavior of the animation. For example, a negative period will rotate the entity in the negative direction.
Script example
The example shows how to easily move the strawberry. InitAngle is set to -PI/2 because the strawberry is placed at the bottom where we want it moves.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicEntityRotation("Strawberry0", -math.pi/2, 2, 500, 0, 0) return true end
SetDynamicEntitySelfRotation(entity, period, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function allows to tell an entity to rotate for a given duration. The entity will rotate in period hundreads. The animation will start in startTime hundreadths and will finish in endTime hundreadths, so, the duration time is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite animation. Note that negativ arguments allow to change the behavior of the animation, for example, a negativ period will tell to turn in the other sense.
Script example
The example shows how to rotate easily a entity.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicEntitySelfRotation("Entity2", 1000, 0, 0); return true; end;
SetDynamicEntityTranslation(entity, fX, fY, period, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function allows to tell an entity to make translation for a given duration. The translation's length is fX on the X axis and fY on the Y axis. The entity will make the translation in period/2 hundreads. The animation will starts in startTime hundreadths and will finish in endTime hundreadths, so, the duration time is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite animation. Note that you can compose rotations and translations. Note that negativ arguments allow to change the behavior of the animation.
Script example
The example shows an example of composed animations.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicEntityTranslation("Strawberry0", 10, 0, 500, 0, 0) Game.SetDynamicEntityTranslation("Strawberry0", 0, 1, 100, 0, 0) return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function removed all the animations applicated on an entity.
Script example
The example first shows how to ask an entity to make a translation in a first time and then, to make rotations. If the user press the key S, the strawberry stops to move.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicEntityTranslation("Strawberry0", -2, 0, 1000, 0, 500) Game.SetDynamicEntityRotation("Strawberry0", -math.pi/2, 2, 500, 500, 0) Game.SetKeyHook("S", "StopAnimation") return true end function StopAnimation() Game.SetDynamicEntityNone("Strawberry0") end
SetDynamicBlockRotation(block, initAngle, radius, period, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function allows to tell a block to make circles for a given duration. The current position of the block on the circle of radius radius is at position initAngle (in rad). The block will make a circle in period hundreads. The animation will starts in startTime hundreadths and will finish in endTime hundreadths, so, the duration time is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite animation. Note that you can compose rotations and translations. Note that negativ arguments allow to change the behavior of the animation, for example, a negativ period will tell to turn in the other sense. The block must be set dynamic so that it works (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />). Don't make move blocks to fast otherwise the bike could go throw the block.
Script example
The example shows how to make move easily a block.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicBlockRotation("Block0", -math.pi/2, 2, 500, 0, 0) return true end
SetDynamicBlockSelfRotation(block, period, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function allows to tell a block to rotate for a given duration. The block will rotate in period hundreads. The animation will starts in startTime hundreadths and will finish in endTime hundreadths, so, the duration time is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite animation. Note that you can compose rotations and translations. Note that negativ arguments allow to change the behavior of the animation, for example, a negativ period will tell to turn in the other sense. The block must be set dynamic so that it works (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />). Don't make move blocks to fast otherwise the bike could go throw the block.
Script example
The example shows how to rotate easily a block.
function OnLoad() Game.SetBlockCenter("Block2", -2.5, -19.0); Game.SetDynamicBlockSelfRotation("Block2", 1000, 0, 0); return true; end;
SetDynamicBlockTranslation(block, fX, fY, period, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function tells a block to make a translation for a given duration. A translation is a looped movement from one point to another, and back. The translation's length is fX on the X axis and fY on the Y axis. The animation will start in startTime hundredths and will finish in endTime hundredths, so the duration is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite animation. Note that you can compose rotations and translations. The block must be set dynamic so that it works (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />). Don't make blocks move too fast otherwise the bike could go through the block.
block: Defines which Block should move
fX: Defines where on the X-Axis the Block should move
fY: Defines where on the Y-Axis the Block should move
period: Defines how long it takes the Block to move back to the starting point
startTime: Defines when the translation should start
endTime: Defines when the translation should end
In order to make replay files as small as possible, you should use Translation instead of the MoveBlock function. An example on how to convert a MoveBlock function into a Translation is given below.
Script example
In this example, the block makes an infinite movement: It moves from its originating point (0,0) to (10,1) within 750ms, and then back in another 750ms.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicBlockTranslation("Block0", 10, 1, 1500, 0, 0) return true end
Example on how to convert a MoveBlock function into a Translation (see above):
function Tick() Game.MoveBlock("Block0", 0.5,0) return true end
Block0 moves forever to the right: 0.5px every 1/100s So it moves at a speed of 300m/60s
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicBlockTranslation("Block0", 300, 0, 12000, 0, 6000) return true end
This is the MoveBlock function in the translation-version. It moves 300m to the right and 300m back to the left in 12000ms. endTime is set to 12000/2=6000, so that the translation stops as soon as Block0 reaches (300,0)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
This function stops all the animation applied on the block. The block must be set dynamic so that it works (modify the level to get <position x="0" y="0" dynamic="true" />).
Script example
In the example, the block will move until the player presses the key S.
function OnLoad() Game.SetDynamicBlockTranslation("Block0", 10, 1, 1500, 0, 0) Game.SetKeyHook("S", "StopAnimation") return true end function StopAnimation() Game.SetDynamicBlockNone("Block0") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
In some levels, you may want that the camera is a bit more far from the player. Use this function to change the camera zoom.
Script example
The example shows how a different zoom can be used to play a level.
function OnLoad() Game.CameraZoom(-0.05) return true end
CameraMove(x, y)
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
For some particular levels, you may want the camera to be moved. Use this function to do that.
Script example
The example shows how you can focus a level on the part above the player.
function OnLoad() Game.CameraMove(0, 3) return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
For some particular levels, you may want that the camera be rotated. Use this function to do that.
Script example
The example shows how you use this function.
function OnLoad() Game.CameraRotate(math.pi / 4.0); return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
For some particular levels, you may want that the camera be rotated. Use this function to do that in function of the gravity.
Script example
The example shows how you use this function.
function OnLoad() Game.SetGravity(0.0, 9.81) Game.CameraAdaptToGravity() return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.4.2]
For some particular levels, you may want that the camera beeing rotated does that at a certain speed. With this function you can make it rotate either very slow ( z = 0.1 ) or extremely fast ( z = 7.2 ). The values are given in RAD, so they can reach from 0 to 2 * PI.
Script example
The example shows how you use this function.
function OnLoad() Game.SetGravity(0.0, 9.81) Game.SetCameraRotationSpeed(0.2) Game.CameraAdaptToGravity() return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
Return the radius of an entity. This radius is used for collision. You can use this function for your own collision or anything else.
Script example
The example shows you the radius of the strawberry.
function OnLoad() Game.Message("Radius of the strawberry : "..Game.GetEntityRadius("Strawberry0")) return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.0]
There is a function called when you touch an entity. But sometimes you want to know when you don't touch an entity. Use this function.
Script example
The example shows how to make an action when the player is not touching an entity.
g = -9.81 function OnLoad() Game.Message("Gravity is increasing while you are not touching the snowman") return true end function Tick() if(Game.IsEntityTouched("SnowMan0") == 0) then g = g - 0.03 Game.SetGravity(0, g); end return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.0]
Increment the value of the time counter to make a penalty.
Script example
In the following example, the time will be increased of 5 seconds if the player enters in the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.AddPenaltyTime(5.0) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.1]
If you call this function, the players die. It's interesting if you want the players be killed by an enemy for example.
Script example
In the following example, the player will die when he will enter in the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.KillPlayer() end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
If you call this function, a player dies. It's interesting if you want the player be killed by an enemy for example.
Script example
function OnLoad() Game.KillAPlayer(0) return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.1]
If you call this function, the entity entityID will be deleted. The entity can be a strawberry or any sprite.
Script example
In the following example, the strawberry will be deleted when the player will enter in the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.KillEntity("Strawberry0") end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.1]
If you call this function, all players win the game (even if there are remaining strawberries).
Script example
In the following example, the player win on entering in the zone Zone0.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.WinPlayer() end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
If you call this function, a player wins the game (even if there are remaining strawberries).
Script example
function OnLoad() Game.WinAPlayer(0) return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.2.1]
This function returns the number of strawberries remaining in the level.
Script example
In the following example, when the player will enter in the zone Zone0, the number of remaining strawberries is displayed.
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.Message(Game.RemainingStrawberries()) end
[require Xmoto >= 0.3.0]
This function returns the number of players (dead or in live) in the level
Script example
function OnLoad() Game.Message(Game.NumberOfPlayers().." players") return true end
AddForceToPlayer(forceX, forceY, startTime, endTime, player)
[require Xmoto >= 0.4.2]
This function apply an external force on the player player. The force will apply from startTime to endTime or will be infinite if endTime is 0. startTime and endTime are expressed in hundreaths and are relativ to the call function time. The force applied will be of (forceX, forceY). Application point is the center of the biker. In the example, a force will be applied to all players from time 5 to 10 seconds. Force is expressed in newton, mg/s-2 (meter * gramm / (seconds * seconds)).
Script example
function OnLoad() for i=0,Game.NumberOfPlayers()-1 do Game.Message("Kicking player "..(i+1)) Game.AddForceToPlayer(0, 1000, 500, 1000, i) end return true end
[require Xmoto >= 0.4.2]
Using this function you can play a sound effect (or a music). The parameter is the name of the sound, which is defined in the actually used theme file. In the following example, there must be a zone named "Zone0", As soon as you enter the zone, the sound effect is played:
Script example
Zone0 = {} function Zone0.OnEnter() Game.PlaySound("ring"); end
SetPhysicsBlockSelfRotation (block, torque, startTime, endTime)
[require Xmoto >= 0.5.0]
This function allows to tell a block to rotate for a given duration. The rotation will be performed by applying forces (torque) on the block (if possible). The block will rotate in period hundreads. The forces application will start in startTime hundreadths and will finish in endTime hundreadths, so, the duration time is endTime-startTime/100 seconds. An endTime of 0 means an infinite application. Note that negativ arguments allow to change the behavior of the forces, for example, a negativ torque will tell to turn in the other sense.